4 Signs Your Car Needs Urgent Servicing

7 July 2022
 Categories: Automotive, Blog


Modern vehicles have evolved drastically, and because of this, they require a substantial amount of servicing and maintenance. Driving your car daily without proper maintenance can result in more damage to the automobile, causing you to spend more money and time on costly repairs. Therefore, scheduling car servicing and keenly observing your car's performance is crucial to prevent unnecessary costs. If you own a car, here are four signs that it's time to take it for servicing.

Unusual Noises and Vibrations

While driving your car, one of the most annoying experiences is unusual vibrations and noises. If this happens, you must take your vehicle to a service centre for an immediate check-up, lest it develops critical problems. Various noises can mean different issues. 

For instance, a whining bonnet might be a result of a loose wire belt that might cause considerable problems like overheating and battery issues. Additionally, unusual noises from your car's exhaust can stem from a crack or hole, which can cause further damage if not serviced quickly. Furthermore, uneven engine noises might mean problems handling air/fuel mixture, but a simple fix like replacing spark plugs can resolve the issue. 

Power Loss and Frequent Stalling 

Another critical sign that you need a car service is when it begins to stall even when in the right gear and clutch application. Most drivers continue using their cars even with this problem, and most will blame themselves instead of having the car checked. 

Generally, stalling results from dirt and debris that clogs fuel filters or spark plug problems. These two issues can be quickly fixed by taking your car to a service centre. Making this trip urgently can save you more embarrassment, time and money. 

Dashboard Warning Lights

Nothing indicates your car needs servicing quite like dashboard warning lights. If you see a warning with the word "SERVICE" or a spanner icon flashing on the instrument panel, it's time to take your car for auto service. Often, these lights appear alongside a text indicating the miles left before taking the vehicle to a service shop. Other car models will even imply when service is long overdue. 

Sensitive Brakes and Gears 

The gearbox and brake systems are some of the most-used components of your car. Over time, these utilities experience wear and tear, making them vulnerable to malfunction. While gear and brake issues are easy to identify, early repairs are crucial to avert serious problems. Generally, sensitive brakes can stem from suspension issues, worn-out discs or steering problems. 

Find a car service centre in your area and have it checked by a professional today if you see these signs.